80s australian slang

I could hear Grandma from across the yard yelling; she was as cross as a frog in a sock that the boys had stolen her cigarettes.. Zonked, cooking with gas, ya larrakin, argy bargy, kark it In the bolocky same as above got him in the jazts crakers Julia Robinson, editor of the Australian National Dictionary Centre, says while it's chiefly a US term, it's also used in Australia, particularly in surfing contexts. sparkie (electrician) Oooo rooooo = good bye. Of course, the UFO crash happened out in the bush so no one was around to see it.. 4. Didnt see no mention of any Rangas (red heads) in this list. Screamer a great mark (Aussie Rules term) Vee dub stands for the Volkswagen campervanVW. But because of me being in the Air Force and being Stationed with with a lot of guys from the RAF & ROYAL NAVY. Dandy Suburb of Dandenong Joe blake = Snake Tit inna tin/=can of powdered milk It means are you starting a fight or argument after saying something insulting or youre telling someone off And some of them are certainly not used any more, or you made the buggers up. ya mad bastard, performs unbelievable tasks wearing thongs, drinkin piss, sayin shell be right ,kenoath, short for F*%king oath (exaggeration) catch the game last night kenoath i did Walkabout = travelling 1. Worried that something isnt going to plan? The 'Ducks nuts' possibly is derived from the British 'Dogs bollocks', another express. Bush telly "Bush. If youre late for curfew one more night this week Ill be spewin!. You can even just say youre having a captain if you feel the need to be extra brief! In the dead of night she heard a strange noise, so she went downstairs to have a Captain Cook.. The journos struggled to balance their broadcasts between the news about the UFO and the news on the escaped spy.. Dont think i would be brave enough to shove a parrot down there!! The point is which lingo is commonly used in oz. Example: "I'm so amped for the show this weekend." Awesome. South Africans would understand a lot of these, our own slang / colloquialisms are similar. Spot on Flamin heck! Are you having a go at me? Stuffed= pregnant Few noticeable exclusions.. for those that know .. including Pingers (haha).. Chockers.. And Going Off, up shit creek without a paddle spearing tadpoles with a crow bar. Stuffed means tired or worn out. Tinnies are cans of beer in Australia. I bet if we put all these slang words into a sentence, people would think we were talking another language! Hi Stephen, thanks for your input. Nong You cant be serious! Bingle too right footy Yobbo Barbie Hairy Eyeball: Somebody looking at you suspiciously or . At least this is what we referred it to before the cask of wine was invented (and Ive been around for sixty years). When I saw the size of the insects outside my room, I was grateful for the fly wire.. Who the hell thought that one up? Context of going to the gym: Hey mate, are you going for a flog? Some of the slang terms are also only used in certain parts of Australia and not others. Freakin hell expression of disgust. Never ever in me life mate have I heard smoko called mornos. This phrase is used to congratulate Australians on a job well done. big time - alternative form of "totally"; good with great emphasis. Chuck a darkie= get angry Awesome: Causing awe; appalling; aweful; as an awesome sight. Having a go can also mean being insulting, as in Are you having a go at me?, to pick on someone or to take a turn at something. If you see someone cute on your trip to Australia and you want to make a move, you may want to crack onto them, aka hit on them. Gander Having a Squizz. A short form of Robert is Bob or Bobby. (19) $3.00. We've compiled a list of 40 of the most common Australian slang terms so you can become an expert in speaking Aussie. Foxy: Very attractive girl. Julia Robinson, editor of the Australian National Dictionary Centre, says while it's chiefly a US term, it's also used in Australia, particularly in surfing contexts. A Walker and Turner. Flat White Coffee with milk, but no froth (Not sure if slang but certainly seems to be an Aussie invention!) Another common one to hear at the pub is hes blotto Yeah dont buy that guy another drink hes already had too many! A couple Ive never heard at all, in 69 years. Copper is actually an old English word for police officer derived from the Latin caper meaning to capture. Example: "Leroy is an airhead, but I still love him." Amped. That is where the name came from lol where else would that name come from? Ive never heard anyone say that in Queensland. Meaning: I use a lot of these and I have my own list too. (Are) You taking the piss? Radical - back in the 80s, some edgy and bold choices, especially in fashion, were called "radical", which is cooler than just "awesome". | ARELS, Pingback: How to Backpack Australia Like a Pro | Backpacker Travel, Pingback: Incredible Facts That Will Make You Want To Visit Australia Fortune Tracker, Pingback: Incredible Facts That Will Make You Want To Visit Australia - Far and Away Places, Pingback: Tips for Traveling To Australia - Two Traveling Texans, Pingback: Australian Slang / Apelidos Tayane Australia 2019, Pingback: What Every First-Time Tourist To Australia Needs To Know | Sofia in Australia, Pingback: A checklist of UX writing terms for time-poor humans - Laura Luck Hobart UX Writer, Pingback: Driving In Vain. sausages, exist, whereas in Australia shrimps dont theyre known as prawns! Are you headed Down Under? In the late 19th century when the English Lord Roberts created the London police, the recruits were given a silver shilling, 12 pennies, similar to 10 cents today, but a lot of money then. Cant you put off going O.S. VIC) footy = AFL (rules), others (e.g. It can be used for anything that is broken or worn out. Sick = same as gnarly Arvo - an afternoon. Shootin Blanks/= Fellah thats had the snip/vasectomy and no semen/swimmers exit when hes done, hes just shooting blanks. Oh and what about take the piss? Darwin stubby Word Document File. Find out more about common slang terms from the sixties to the eighties, many of which are no longer used in Australia today. Most of the slang is slang but most Aussie slang has 2 translations and only one is given. I heard slangs like Bobs your uncle and Rain check . Banana bender = Queenslander Who cares about yer hands mate. Australians today are mixed races more so than yesteryear so there is a lot of slang that was not around in earlier years. This unique Australian term is used to talk about successful people. They were trying to bignote themself by name-dropping all the famous people theyd worked with., If youre swamped with work or running from one thing to the next you could tell your Australian friend that youre as busy as a cat burying sh*t., I havent had a moment to put my feet up all week, Ive been as busy as a cat burying sh*t with this new job.. Gnarly is an interesting piece of '80s slang that came from surf culture but has been used differently over time. ao unidade a mensagem casa um pouco, no entanto em vez de, magnfica blog. A vejjo is a vegetarianuseful to know when traveling to Australia. It could also mean bewildered or (indignant) disbelief Ralph - in college culture, "ralphing" meant vomiting. To dob someone in is to tattle on someone or inform on their behavior and actions. A tinny on a hot day just tastes better. ? I shouted to myself as I riffled through the kitchen cupboards.. Smoko = Break to have cigarette, I am an Aussie myself and how bout ya putt in you look like a stunned mullet or are ya gonna say something or are ya just gonna stand there like a kangaroo in the headlights or maybe what, what is it? Are you having a go. Parkies/Park People/=Vagrants that live in/haunt parks. It means wood/forest. Cricky dick = a rude way of saying cricky or if you are extermly shocked, Dag- nerdy or geeky person As we found out that day in NSW they call it a double or Ill double yah . No wuckas the full explanation is that its short for no wuckin furries, which is a humorous and slightly more polite way to say no f*ckin worries. Pozzy : position. Hard yakka is Aussie slang for hard work. Here are a few '80s slang. Plate, bring a : Instruction to bring a plate of food to a party. Fair go, mate. bodacious - righteous, as in . gash Treacle Beak/ any gadabout poking their nose into other peoples business, not used very much nowadays more likely to use Sticky Beak. When I first came to Australia. Shepp City of Shepparton Shes a ledge of a teacher. This Australian slang word means to be sick. It's often combined with 'babe' making the phrase ' bodacious babe'. Ridgey Didge = Authentic, truth Hey mate, did you bring a pair of thongs?. It describes what geologists call an Oxbow Lake (look it up). Narre Narre Warren. This harmonious slang term refers to sweatpants. The meaning of the phrase? If an Australian asks if youve seen his thongs, hes talking about flip-flops, not underwear! Australian slang comes from a mixture of migrants or convicts that cam came from Irland Scotland England also mixed American sayings. Bog standard means basic or unadorned; its used to describe the simplest version of something. This nickname denotes people who think a little too highly of themselves, and actually is an acronym for F*ck Im good, just ask me!, Figjams love to brag about how easy everything is for them with their superior skill set.. He complimented his choice of orange daks with a shocking blue lippy.. But despite not having quite the established vernacular some other countries and cultures may boast, Australian slang words have become globally adored. ! i.e: Matt, im Australian, thank you very much! Thank you so much for sharing such nice article with us. Aussies would laugh at the word root in this context (see above). Bloke. When people want to know whats going on, or theyre requesting the goss (gossip), they ask what the John Dory is. You might be gobsmacked (aka astonished) at the size of the spiders in Australia! Puffed = breathing hard, out of breath 80s Slang (1 - 40 of 173 results) Price ($) Shipping 1980s Slang Wall Chart TheRaccoonSociety (1,007) $19.95 80s Print Catch Phrases Instant Download 80s Decor, 80s Printable, 80s Party, 80s Poster, Wall Art Decor, Printable Gift, 80s Slang Words PrintableSavvy (339) $5.50 80's Slang 20oz tumbler CydTheMadCrafter (696) $28.00 Which really isnt much different from the Ranching community I grew up in. I have heard it used get me tinny from the fridge luv While it can be used in a positive context, such as "thrilled, stoked", it can also mean "confuse, intimidate someone". Seven pints in the gallon someone who is not all there If an Australian is stocked then theyre extremely pleased about something. Some more I have learnt; Have a guess as to what Hooks refers to! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potato_cake Gotta got to, have got to 1980s Society and Culture Slang exists in large part to comment on the dominant culture of its day. Both potato scallop and potato fritter are used in Queensland. Dropkick/=useless/ good for nothin bloke/individual. This train of thought is precisely how hip folks in the '80s came up with the cruel slang phrase "bag your face." Example: "I have so many zitsI should just bag my face." A True Blue sheila looked at her underwear admiringly and asked: Tinny= metal boat Just a note on a couple: Pissed off can be annoyed Or leaving the location. She was wearing these beautiful bright green strides and carrying a surfboard.. lol, What about Ledge, its an abbreviation but commonly used as oz slang! Shaggers back Too much rooting. A milk bar is a local general store in Australia, selling everything from newspapers toyou guessed itmilkshakes. It is an abbreviation as such, and not a full word. When you learn English youre taught how to speak and write proper English. Mongrel actually means a mixed breed or stray dog. Snot Block Vanilla Slice Those can be added too if they are Aussi slang. Context of someone stealing something: Some flog has flogged the street sign. Bloody funny accent that was! Preferably amusing? The Australian slang word "seppo" has derived from its predecessor "septic tank" or "yank" and is rarely used by the young people in Aussie. which basically means6 of one, half a dozen of anotherOR same thing different daysame crap different day. Bloody oath! Or ducks nuts! A lot of non Aussies would definitely not get a lot of these terms, even Maccas as Mcdonalds sounds a bit far off. Australian Slang Letter Lesson Plan:This is a simple and easy to use lesson plan that my students love. You got it arse about you drongo A stubby holder is to prevent your hands from warming the beer. (xD Im sorry I was joking about that last one) Under the pump = feeling stressed or on a deadline. If one were to follow that logic theyd be called pelican smugglers. Lets go to the milk bar after school and buy lollies.. If youre waiting for news from home while in Australia, youll be eager to see the postie, or mailman. The police were known as Bobbys men. An earbashing is what you might receive if you encounter a particularly chatty tour guide. This is a pleasant term for a rather unpleasant thing . Class and Culture ! i.e: U 4 real? His sayings were never ending. If you find yourself in a bit of an argument and you begin to act unreasonably you might be told to pull ya head in, if however youre right (stubborn) and you really want the other person to believe what youre saying you can say fair dinkum mate. pushie or pushbike Friggen- how to say f&*@%g in front of kids and non sweaters. Then you visit an English speaking country and start hearing some very strange slang terms. If you are visiting Australia for the first time, you will be surprised with how fast Aussies talk and the number of slang words they use in daily conversations. To have a flogg or someones just had a flogg means something else entirely. I enjoyed this article. mad as a snake The 1980s were Australia's golden age: an era of big hair and big personalities in sport and politics. Thank you very much for this information. Cactus is used for dead. Disagree with #80 Sickie. I begin by saying that I live in NSW and have never ordered a potato cake but always order scollops,.. which turns out to be an archaic word, which differentiates it from the sea dwelling scallop.Adding potato at the front seems to be an excessive use of words and contrary to the Aussie vernacular. glad wrap cling wrap You may find yourself performing the Aussie salute often if your house isnt equipped with fly wirethis expression comically means to brush away flies. Although Australia is an English speaking country, arriving into the country with little knowledge of the most popular Aussie slang words may just get you into a few awkward situations. If you need to get going and youre prone to a bit of poetry, you may say that you have to hit the frog and toadaka the road. bull bag Crack the shits= see above. Flat out like a lizard drinking Hey just a couple more to add to your list you have some rippers on there So if your car broke down, you could technically say, The cars carked it. However it sounds a little funny, so wed refer to a component of the car, like, The engines carked it. Although I guess you could say, Did you hear about how The Large Hadron Collider completely carked it? but that still sounds a little off. I went fishin in my tinny the other day, and I ran into this charter boat. ! To make a quid is to earn a living in Australian slang. Ya gotta be (f**king) kiddin me! Ankle biter small child - Freethinkers Anonymous, Head Office: 477 Kent St Sydney NSW 2000. Australians have a unique character thats all their own, and an Aussie accent is unmistakable anywhere in the world. Flogged or flogging came from early convict times, where men and women were flogged as punishment. Some of them used to be, but would never be pronounced with a straight face by anyone under 30. Sad its hardly used any more! Fisho/ usually in outback populaces a bloke that does a run of the local publicans establishments with a trailer of seafood on ice. In Aussie slang it refers to casual wear trousers. A sport team can be flogged, beaten or loses a game by a large difference in score. If someones got the wobbly boot on in Australia then theyre drunk. Students will write a letter to a friend using Australian slang about what they did over a two week vacation in Australia. mate seriously one of the most used words in Australian slang and it means friend. to us shrimp are really small prawns or that you are very short. (Are) You having a laugh (are ya)? If you are looking to truly differentiate the two, both could be used to describe a piece of potato that is scalloped off a potato, but a potato cake can be created by mashing a potato and moulding it into a patty or cake. At other times theyll just add a different vowel instead of the o. Chaddy Chadstone Shopping Centre Or maybe even Hed come down with the flu and ran to the bathroom to chunder.. Speaking as an Aussie I wonder if the Author is Australian cos most of this is wrong. And yep heard most of these. Every Sunday he sits on his front porch and drinks with the flies.. Had the Snip/= No jellybeans in the jellybean bag/Vasectomy. Gday mate, I was wondering if you have any units available?. Already knew most of these but you could me with a few, What about the word Chockers full up or the road is completely filled with cars, chuck a blocky- similiar to a U-ie except wider going round a block, also used when searching for a house or place, Are you all actually Australian Go muster the cows before the sun goes down.. Hard to remember appropriate feminine slang We tried to sit outside last night and enjoy the sunset, but I couldnt stop performing the Aussie salute.. The English phrase for this would be busy as a bee. Every day I pack myself a sanger of pickle and peanut butter for lunch. If the person is Nerdy or Geeky we say either, a dag is, well, normally a person who looks like a dag! To go bushwalking is to go hiking. Jolly Hoppers/=Coppers (pronounced Jolly Oppas). Yo/ Hey/ Oi exclamation to get someones attention, to call attention to, to greet someone. Good crack similar to Scots Irish and English just a bit more childish. heavy or full bag It can also be an insult though. Where can I get a gonk? In Australian vernacular, a dobber is a tattletale. Derro/=A derelict remnant of a former man, usually in reference to a homeless drunkard or petrol/glue sniffer A unit is an apartmentuseful for finding a place to stay on your trip to Oz! Bunta: crazy/irate ex: Im gonna go Bunta on her! Yeah Nah mate, that isnt what we call dags. NSW) footy = NRL (league). This is a day off work without being actually sick. For example, you walk in to a pub, bar man says howyagoin you reply Im as dry as a dead dingos donga. Tucker = Food Much like pissuh, sometimes emphasized with the all purpose adverb, f*ckin, as in f*ckin pissuh. Full as a bull. Heard that someone is Flat out like a lizard drinking? Australian Slang. Don had the wobbly boot on at his party the other night., He gave me a pash outside the milk bar and everyone saw!. I havent stopped laughing since I began reading it. The tune is about a proud Aussie man who travels the world, interacting with people - to Men At Work, this song is about . This phrase will be particularly useful if youre spending time in the Australian Outback, and refers to rounding up sheep or cattle. A mob in Australian slang can refer to a lot of different things. Yonks = Long time. Other meanings & alternative phrases. Marks right. To chuck a yewy means to perform a u-turn in Australian slang. Dead horse, tomato sauce.. dog n bone, blower, on the phone.. eg- Im heading to the bottlo to grab a goon cask. A Drongo is a real sleepy and stupid bird. Muso - a musician. grouse Not offensive, but explanatoryBit hard to stay feminine with Aussie slang for a Sheila! 80+ Awesome Australian Slang Words To Know G'day mate, ya ready for some Aussie slang words and phrases? Youre tripping! Or You be tripping! ace - the top; the best. bother -bro BODACIOUS. It means difficult, dangerous or challenging. Strides is another word for daks aka pants! A Yank might think theyre all from Oz, but many are from the UK. Hossie=hospital mr-sir 2 Mug Lair ; (probably extinct now.) Going off busy, lots of people Triffick. If you are new, you'd be lost in no time. All my friends are surfies, but I dont know how to swim.. Grandpa made my favorite dish for dinner: spag bol with feta cheese on top.. On his way to the harbor the spy realized he was being tailed so he gave them the flick.. If an Australian is vegging out, theyre relaxingand you should, too! Some Australian slang can be dated back to Shakespeare's time. Thats my thoughts Hope it helps a tiny bit for a good Aussie ode Cheers! Schoolies = a student farewell holiday Plus a ton that arent even on here that are pretty basic, heres 2 because Im too lazy to add the 15 or so not on there, or the 20+ that arent even close to accurate. what about flip-flopsthere thongs because of how they sound when you walk. Ive met heaps of overseas visitors over the past 12 years as a Park Ranger and not one of them has ever heard the term D & M as in a deep and meaningful conversation or serious conversation at a social gathering They all think its a great term Their other favourites are dag and galah. It provides a unique, up-to-date vocabulary that people can use to talk about phenomena in their daily lives in ways dictionary English doesn't allow. Ive never heard of goon, but if its relating to the wine cask that was cheap coz you couldnt afford anything else when you were a teenager and tasted like horse piss and when you finished it you blew it up and used it as a pillow at the end of the night then thats it lol ah the memories. Ex: can I grab you a cuppa? Be warned though, theyre not always sweet! Outbacks outback. Dude, origin/ownership is not the point of this post (as i understand). A few more I have come across I have come accross over the years. If youre really stuck but want to seem as though youre beginning to learn some of the local Australia language the lingo if you will, always say hello by saying Gday and always add mate to the end of every sentence. Joining the police was called Taking the shilling. Have a bat Masturbate (Not sure if Aussie wide or Melbourne only) To say that someone has kangaroos loose in the top paddock is to say that theyre either not very bright, eccentric, or foolish. The bloody mongrel bit me!, You might refer to a person as a mongrel, but the meaning depends on the context. The Outback is the rural area beyond Australias cities. Context of someone being a wanker or up themselves: Fuck me, that James guy is a flog It means friend, and can be used not only with friends but acquaintances and strangers as well. The dog house, you pissed ya missus off and your sleeping on the couch Stories traded over a Furphy water tank and if it sounds outrageous or exaggerated, came to be known as a furphy. 80's Slang 411, the: Information. Aussie slang varies from state to state, so not every one will agree on some definitions. Its far more common for stuffed and knocked up to be used this way. Chuck a lefty/righty: driving directions, turn left/right If someone gives you the drum, theyre giving you the inside scoop, information or a tip-off.

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